12 months +
0 mins
20 mins
Carrot Puree
A great first weaning puree for when you are at the very start of your little one's weaning journey.

12 months +
0 mins
20 mins
Carrot Cake for Baby
Enjoy a great afternoon tea with our classic carrot cake, easy to make and perfect for sharing!

12 months +
0 mins
20 mins
Carrot & Courgette Puree
A great first weaning puree combination for when you are at the very start of your little one's weaning journey.

12 months +
0 mins
20 mins
Buzzy Bee Fun Lunch with Wavy Apple Snackers
?Buzz into lunchtime with our Buzzy Bee Fun Lunch! Perfect for the little adventurers at your hive or out and about!

12 months +
0 mins
20 mins
Butternut Squash, Sweet Potato & Carrot Puree
This is a great puree for starting babies off on. It's really simple and the garlic adds a subtle flavour little ones will enjoy.

12 months +
0 mins
20 mins
Butternut Squash Puree
A great first weaning puree for when you are at the very start of your little one's weaning journey.

12 months +
0 mins
20 mins
Butternut Squash & Ginger Puree
A tasty autumn puree for little ones discovering new tastes.

12 months +
0 mins
20 mins
Butternut & Lentil Hot Pot
Enjoy this hearty hot pot on a cold day. Perfect comfort food.

12 months +
0 mins
20 mins
Bustling Beetle Fun Plate
You'll get beetle mania with our tasty raisins fun plate. Find out what you need and how to make it here.