Be You!
We believe that you should be able to bring your whole self to work - ultimately just Be You!
Be You!

What are we doing?

At Organix we are on a journey to raise awareness and understanding of ourselves and others. Because understanding diversity, how we can be more inclusive, and where we might have blind spots relies on us understanding ourselves first. We're learning more about what makes each of us, those building blocks from the very start of our lives, and the experiences since that have formed how we choose to see the world and how we act within it. We know that there are many different forms of diversity, and that no one person fits into one box.  We all have our own lived experience, but to understand others and the challenges they face (and the intersectionality that quite often is also present) we need to understand lived experience first. We are taking this journey slowly, respectfully and working to raise awareness in a way that helps to drive DEI into our culture in a meaningful and sustainable way. We are seeking to get it right as individuals, and when we don't get it right (as we sometimes won't) we will seek to learn better. 

ISWM pledge
We've signed up to the 'It stops with me pledge' because discrimination and harassment should not be accepted and we should feel safe to call out unacceptable behaviour when we see it. Having those honest conversations and holding people to account in our industry.
three people eating lunch
We think people should be employed for their knowledge, skills, and capability and so we shortlist candidates using blind CV's, where no name, age or nationality is present. We're a team of people where some have shared their nationality, neurodiversity, sexual preference, their caring responsibilities, mental health challenges, or disabilities. We work hard to understand our people, their experience and provide them with everything they need to be able to thrive and progress.
Be You board with images
We are taking time to learn from others to broaden our understanding and perspective,- the lived experience of others helps us to see where we may have blind spots. With understanding, we can provide more opportunities for everyone to thrive. Over the last two years, we have been participating in the IGD’s reverse mentoring program, where some of our people have been matched with mentors across the food industry who are open to share their lived experience so we can broaden our personal DEI understanding of the systems, obstacles and difficulties that people face that we might not have experienced or been aware of. With this understanding we can explore how we can personally raise our awareness and behaviour to create an environment where everyone can thrive.
Organix DEI Pledge
Our values guide everything we do. From daily interactions and decisions to our relationship with third-party suppliers and manufacturers.
We expect all suppliers to also adhere to our Code of Conduct when doing business with us.
Please follow the link below for more information.
See our Code of Conduct here
We were really inspired by the learning journey of Molly, our Sustainability Manager’s daughter, to learn sign language so she could communicate with her deaf friend at school.
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