What you need
1 medium potato
1 leek
¼ iceberg lettuce
Allergens warning
- This product contains:
- This product is suitable for:
No allergens
Gluten free, Vegetarian,Vegan, No dairy

Prepare the vegetables; peel the potatoes and roughly chop. Wash the leek, remove the outer layer and finely slice. Shred the lettuce.
Place the potato and leek in a steamer basket. Steam for 8 minutes, then add the shredded lettuce and steam for a further 5-7 minutes until the vegetables are all cooked through.
Once cooked, pour all the vegetables into a blender and blend until smooth.
Lettuce, leek and potato is a tasty combination and a great way to introduce lettuce for younger babies!
If you don’t have a steamer you can also boil the vegetables in water. Be sure to drain well so that your puree isn’t too runny.

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