What you need
3 Organix Summer Fruits Rice Cake Clouds
4 blackberries
3 black grapes
Allergens warning
- This product contains:
- This product is suitable for:
No allergens
Vegan, Vegetarian, No dairy, Gluten free

Crush 2 blackberries in a small bowl with the back of a fork and cut the other 2 blackberries in half. Use a clean paintbrush to paint a spiders web with the juice on a white plate. Older children will love to help!
Place 3 Summer Fruits Rice Cake Clouds on to the web, then add a half blackberry spider body on top of each Rice Cake Cloud.
Slice each grape in half from top to bottom, then slice each half into 4 thin spider legs.
Add the legs to your spiders, then eat them up before they scurry away!
Eat straight away!

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