Put the fun into experimenting with food to help little ones love fruit and veg!

Top Tips
Prepare your little one for what’s to come on their plate.
Be patient and leave plenty of time for meals.
Don’t force them to eat something they don’t like.
Give lots of praise for eating, even if it is just a little.
Don’t give up! Remember it can take 10-15 tries, so keep trying.

Learning about food

Pop to the shop

Getting hands on

Cook together
Toddler not eating?
Has your toddler stopped eating, or is refusing food? Don't worry we have put together our top tips to help here.

12 months +
0 mins
20 mins
Winning Gingerbread Men Fun Plate
Give your little one a medal with our gingerbread men and fruit fun plate. Find the recipe here.

12 months +
0 mins
20 mins
Turtle Time Fun Plate
Give your little explorers some turtle power with our fruity fun plate. Find out all you need here.

10 months +
0 mins
20 mins
Laughing Lion Fun Plate
For little explorers on safari give our corn puffs lion a go. Find out what you need and how to make it here.